
Cater­na The new digi­tal ambly­o­pia therapy

The Caterna Vision Therapy is an innovative visual training supplementary to occlusion therapy for children with amblyopia or lazy eye.

Easy from home

The Cater­na the­ra­py can easi­ly be inte­gra­ted in the dai­ly life at it is play­ed from the com­fort of your home at your lap­top or pc.

Innovative stimulation

Spe­cial wave pat­terns in the back­ground of the online games sti­mu­la­te the con­nec­tion bet­ween brain and eye and the weak eye gets trained.

Medically certified

Cater­na has be deve­lo­ped at the tech­ni­cal uni­ver­si­ty in Dres­den and tes­ted sci­en­ti­fi­cal­ly. Addi­tio­nal­ly it is a cer­ti­fied medi­cal pro­duct Made in Germany.

What is the Caterna Vision Therapy

The Cater­na The­ra­py is pre­scri­bed in addi­ti­on to the occlu­si­on the­ra­py (patching of the domi­nant eye) in order to sti­mu­la­te the brain to re-estab­lish the con­nec­tion bet­ween brain and eye. The trai­ning con­sists of online games that are play­ed at home in front of the PC while wea­ring the eye patch.

A spe­cial wave pat­tern in the back­ground of the games sti­mu­la­tes the brain to acti­va­te the weak eye again. In this way, the visi­on in the weak eye will impro­ve during a 90 day the­ra­py peri­od. A dai­ly the­ra­py dura­ti­on of bet­ween 30 and 45 minu­tes is requi­red. The exci­ting Cater­na video games are play­ed on the home PC during the occlu­si­on time. The child can choo­se from 9 dif­fe­rent games  with dif­fe­rent levels depen­ding on age and skills.

Having fun while play­ing the Cater­na games is an excel­lent moti­va­ti­on to stick to the occlu­si­on the­ra­py. Your child will impro­ve his/her visi­on in the ambly­o­pic eye fas­ter and more effec­tively, with more fun!

Your benefits at a glance

  • Easy and com­for­ta­ble from home
  • Sup­ple­men­ta­ry to occlu­si­on the­ra­py (patching)
  • The occlu­si­on dia­ry impro­ves the moti­va­ti­on for patching
  • Cer­ti­fied medi­cal pro­duct class 1 (EU)
  • Choo­se from a sel­ec­tion of 9 dif­fe­rent games
  • The con­nec­tion bet­ween weak eye and the brain is stimulated

How the therapy works

The online the­ra­py can easi­ly be done from home. All you need is a regu­lar PC or lap­top and a sta­ble inter­net con­nec­tion. The­re is no need for an install­ment, sin­ce the games work online. The dis­play of your PC should be 10″, for opti­mal results.

After you bought your access for the visi­on the­ra­py, we will cus­to­mi­ze the pro­gram to your needs and you will recei­ve an email with your log­in data. For your secu­ri­ty all data are encrypt­ed and anonymous.

In a dai­ly rou­ti­ne, your child is play­ing 30 to 45 minu­tes, her­eby each ses­si­on can also be split. While play­ing the games the child is wea­ring the eye-patch. Depen­ding on the age and the mood, your child can choo­se bet­ween nine dif­fe­rent and exci­ting games.

For Whom is Caterna For?

The Cater­na the­ra­py was deve­lo­ped for kids with lazy eye and is recom­men­ded if occlu­si­on (patching) does not have the desi­red effect. This is the case in about 30% of all cases. Reasons can be the depth of the ambly­o­pia or a lack of compliance.

The inno­va­ti­ve visu­al trai­ning sup­ple­ments and acce­le­ra­tes the occlu­si­on the­ra­py. It is used from 4–6 years of age. Ide­al­ly Cater­na is star­ted befo­re going to school, but also older child­ren bene­fit from the training.

Suitable for Caterna

  • Dia­gno­sed amblyopia
  • When patching is not enough
  • Child­ren from 4 to 12 years
  • The child is not wea­ring the patch as recom­men­ded (com­pli­ance problems)
  • Time cons­traints, such as when in a hur­ry due to beco­ming a school kid

Not suitable for Caterna

  • Epi­le­psy

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