Continuous Education for medical professionals: Why microlearning makes sense now and in the future!

8He­alth-Manage­ment UG
The pro­blem with time Ger­man doc­tors have rough­ly 7–10 minu­tes for their pati­ents. Lack of time […]

Health literacy for patients — the Charité approach

Cha­ri­té Kli­nik für Gynä­ko­lo­gie Cha­ri­té — Universitätsmedizin
Digi­tal health liter­acy in Ger­ma­ny The Ger­man health­ca­re sys­tem is in the midd­le of the […]

Be an Angel e.V.

Be an Angel e.V.
If you’re rea­ding this, you are dam­ned well off. Sup­port Be an Angel: With donations — […]