Caterna The new digital amblyopia therapy 24 Jahre Erfahrung

The Caterna Vision Therapy is an innovative visual training supplementary to occlusion therapy for children with amblyopia or lazy eye.

Easy from home

The Cater­na the­ra­py can easi­ly be inte­gra­ted in the dai­ly life at it is play­ed from the com­fort of your home at your lap­top or pc.

Innovative stimulation

Spe­cial wave pat­terns in the back­ground of the online games sti­mu­la­te the con­nec­tion bet­ween brain and eye and the weak eye gets trained.

Medically certified

Cater­na has be deve­lo­ped at the tech­ni­cal uni­ver­si­ty in Dres­den and tes­ted sci­en­ti­fi­cal­ly. Addi­tio­nal­ly it is a cer­ti­fied medi­cal pro­duct Made in Germany.

The Cater­na The­ra­py is pre­scri­bed in addi­ti­on to the occlu­si­on the­ra­py (patching of the domi­nant eye) in order to sti­mu­la­te the brain to re-estab­lish the con­nec­tion bet­ween brain and eye. The trai­ning con­sists of online games that are play­ed at home in front of the PC while wea­ring the eye patch.

A spe­cial wave pat­tern in the back­ground of the games sti­mu­la­tes the brain to acti­va­te the weak eye again. In this way, the visi­on in the weak eye will impro­ve during a 90 day the­ra­py peri­od. A dai­ly the­ra­py dura­ti­on of bet­ween 30 and 45 minu­tes is requi­red. The exci­ting Cater­na video games are play­ed on the home PC during the occlu­si­on time. The child can choo­se from 9 dif­fe­rent games  with dif­fe­rent levels depen­ding on age and skills.

Having fun while play­ing the Cater­na games is an excel­lent moti­va­ti­on to stick to the occlu­si­on the­ra­py. Your child will impro­ve his/her visi­on in the ambly­o­pic eye fas­ter and more effec­tively, with more fun!

Your benefits at a glance

  • Easy and com­for­ta­ble from home
  • Sup­ple­men­ta­ry to occlu­si­on the­ra­py (patching)
  • The occlu­si­on dia­ry impro­ves the moti­va­ti­on for patching
  • Cer­ti­fied medi­cal pro­duct class 1 (EU)
  • Choo­se from a sel­ec­tion of 9 dif­fe­rent games
  • The con­nec­tion bet­ween weak eye and the brain is stimulated

How the therapy works

The online the­ra­py can easi­ly be done from home. All you need is a regu­lar PC or lap­top and a sta­ble inter­net con­nec­tion. The­re is no need for an install­ment, sin­ce the games work online. The dis­play of your PC should be 10″, for opti­mal results.

After you bought your access for the visi­on the­ra­py, we will cus­to­mi­ze the pro­gram to your needs and you will recei­ve an email with your log­in data. For your secu­ri­ty all data are encrypt­ed and anonymous.

In a dai­ly rou­ti­ne, your child is play­ing 30 to 45 minu­tes, her­eby each ses­si­on can also be split. While play­ing the games the child is wea­ring the eye-patch. Depen­ding on the age and the mood, your child can choo­se bet­ween nine dif­fe­rent and exci­ting games.

For Whom is Caterna For?

The Cater­na the­ra­py was deve­lo­ped for kids with lazy eye and is recom­men­ded if occlu­si­on (patching) does not have the desi­red effect. This is the case in about 30% of all cases. Reasons can be the depth of the ambly­o­pia or a lack of compliance.

The inno­va­ti­ve visu­al trai­ning sup­ple­ments and acce­le­ra­tes the occlu­si­on the­ra­py. It is used from 4–6 years of age. Ide­al­ly Cater­na is star­ted befo­re going to school, but also older child­ren bene­fit from the training.

Suitable for Caterna

  • Dia­gno­sed amblyopia
  • When patching is not enough
  • Child­ren from 4 to 12 years
  • The child is not wea­ring the patch as recom­men­ded (com­pli­ance problems)
  • Time cons­traints, such as when in a hur­ry due to beco­ming a school kid

Not suitable for Caterna

  • Epi­le­psy



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